
Everything you need to know about building with the Oredin Protocol

Quick Start

Get up and running in minutes

Core Concepts

Learn about key protocol features

API Reference

Detailed API documentation


Oredin is a decentralized protocol for generating, validating, and distributing synthetic training data for AI models. It provides a secure and scalable infrastructure that enables the creation of high-quality training datasets through a network of specialized nodes.

Key Features

  • Decentralized data generation and validation
  • Economic incentives for quality assurance
  • Composable data primitives
  • Cross-chain compatibility

Quick Start

1. Install the SDK

bun install @oredin/sdk

The Oredin SDK provides all the tools you need to interact with the protocol.

2. Initialize the Client

import { OredinClient } from '@oredin/sdk' const client = new OredinClient({ network: 'mainnet', apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' })

3. Generate Data

const result = await client.generateData({ template: 'question-answer', params: { domain: 'finance', complexity: 'intermediate' } })

Core Concepts

Data Templates

Pre-defined patterns for generating specific types of training data

Node Types

Different roles nodes can play in the network

Consensus Mechanism

How the network validates and secures data quality

API Reference

Available Endpoints

Explore our comprehensive API documentation for detailed information about available endpoints, request/response formats, and example implementations.